eccitata, trepidante!
come da bambina, sulla soglia di un negozio di giocattoli, a 2-3 m da una cartolibreria, fragrante di volumi nuovi e quaderni croccanti.
o da grande
nelle stanze 'vere' degli istagrammers, tra le pagine virtuali dei bloggers.
ora... ecco un nuovo-strepitoso-progetto di condivisione di interni promosso da MADE:
"come in. look. talk. touch.
our doors are open: online, offline, any time. unboxed is where we
explore what made means in the real world. for all of us. united by a
passion for design, interiors and spaces that reflect who we are,
here is where we share. our real homes, our real workspaces, our real
lives – and invite you in. in pixels, in person - it's your call.
this is a place where ideas, inspiration and conversation are always
flowing. so step inside, ask questions, get a fresh perspective on MADE".
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