Scusi, ma mi Italiano non e piu buono. Adesso io scrivere in Inglese. I promise to get up to speed with my Italian.
My parents were married in Davoli, Catanzaro, Calabria in 1031 and my brother was born in 1932. Then they moved to the USA and I was born in America. My mother had been born in the US, but my father was an Italian national and he hated America, so he left us when I was one year old and returned to Italy, now buried in Ciradella.
If you read my profile you'll see I am a daydreamer.
cara..stavo per lasciare un commento sul tuo bel cuscino in lavorazione 'my first crochet' che visualizzo ancora su Google Reader ma vedo che qui l'hai vizio di cancellare non te lo sei tolto, eh :)))
Scusi, ma mi Italiano non e piu buono.
RispondiEliminaAdesso io scrivere in Inglese. I promise
to get up to speed with my Italian.
My parents were married in Davoli,
Catanzaro, Calabria in 1031 and my
brother was born in 1932. Then they
moved to the USA and I was born
in America. My mother had been born
in the US, but my father was an Italian
national and he hated America, so he
left us when I was one year old and
returned to Italy, now buried in Ciradella.
If you read my profile you'll
see I am a daydreamer.
Hi Arcadian, thank you for sharing your family history. I'll read your profile right now. Ciao :)
RispondiEliminacara..stavo per lasciare un commento sul tuo bel cuscino in lavorazione 'my first crochet' che visualizzo ancora su Google Reader ma vedo che qui l'hai vizio di cancellare non te lo sei tolto, eh :)))
RispondiEliminacomunque sei davvero brava!
RispondiEliminaeh eh.. ogni tanto penso di tornare alla mia vecchia impresa di pulizie ;)
RispondiEliminati è arrivato l'invito per pinterest?